Child Development Center

“Our children are our Future”. A child brings happiness and strengthens in a family, rewarded like a bridge, create bonding in family members. It is our familial, social & moral responsibility to take care our child even though he/ she is different from others children. Sometimes we parents, teachers, society could not understand the different developmental problems in a Child. We parents, teachers, society are not aware of these, so we could not notice about it. For this uncaring reason CHILD WITH SPECIAL NEEDS persist from the main streaming track/ path way. Gradually they are far away from the developmental milestone; they become isolated, they are wrapper with obstacles to express them by language-speech (word); blending with behavior problem, could not take part daily living activity (skill) and continue regular education system. Our Child with Special Needs could not perform like other children just because lack of awareness on early intervention, proper Screening/Diagnosis/Assessments/ Management Plan and Parents Motivation.
All children have right to get proper care and accessibility. Children with Special Needs (Children with Disabilities) are a bio-diversity of our Nature, it is like different population of our Universe, such as- Asian, African, Mongolian people are not the same. Medical Science says, causes of 40% disability are unknown till now.
Day after day Children with Special Needs become lonely from Family, Education & Society inclusion. They live behind from the total inclusion system like inclusive education, life-skill development mileage and create a load on the family. But most of the Child with Special Needs has unique hidden talent. Unfortunately lack of proper treatment, management and guidance; they fall into segregation of the society. We keep them in a Shadow world.
Child with Special Needs could not develop like other Children; they need special assistance and structured plan- program for their mainstream life. By help of well-ordered program they can grow like other Children. Now a day appeal of the current aspects from the family, society and norms of our Medical Service, we Asgar Ali Hospital have committed to support Children with Special Needs.
To remove barriers for Child with Special Needs, Asgar Ali Hospital has established “Child Development Clinic with Communication Development Lab”. It is our time honored commitment.
“Child Development Clinic” of Asgar Ali Hospital, devotedly working to ensure authentic care, treatment and management for Child with Special Needs in time. This clinic of Asgar Ali Hospital pledges with the holistic developmental treatment facilities for Children with Special Needs. We assist the Children to develop communication skill, positive behavior skill, education goal and other developmental goal, social inclusion plan as based of screening, psychological assessment, need assessment and other diagnosis through parents guidance-counseling- training (by the training of positive Parenting). A group of international standard Panel- Pediatric Neurologist, Pediatricians, ENT specialist, Surgeons, Orthopedics, Psychologist, Habilitation Expert, Speech Language Pathologist, Development Specialist, Physio Therapist and Occupational Therapist are working together. They are committed/ devoted to convoy appropriate treatment and Habilitation–Rehabilitation support for children with Special Needs.
ASGAR ALI HOSPITAL Child Development Clinic Service Description:
Disability Screening & Assessment
Assessment of Developmental, Psychological & Need Assessment
HABILITATION Management (active participation for mainstreaming life)
Disability Development & Rehabilitation Plan
Children with Special Needs are provided with long distance Home Management Plan & Guideline
Education Plan for Children with Special Needs
Childhood Depression & Phobia Management Therapy
Behavior Therapy
ADHD & Hyper Activity Management
Lip Reading Training
Voice Therapy
Hearing Aid & Cochlear Implant Counseling
Parent’s Counseling
Referral Service
Child Development Clinic along with Speech language pathology & Others Support Service for Children, Teen & Adult As below:
Developmental Delay Children
Autistic Children
Cerebral Palsy (CP) Children
Hearing impaired/Deaf
Visual impaired
Deaf – Blind
Cleft lip & palate
Intellectual Disable
Any speech disorder Children
Our aim, child will grow in healthy-friendly environment along with family and society. It is their right to get friendly accessibility in our society. Our reliable assistance will groom them as asset of the country. No Children will let behind, all children will get equal opportunity to develop their own self and participate equally in every step of life. Our Children with Special Needs will live lively life with their Rights.
Asgar Ali Hospital dedicatedly supports our Children with sincerity.