Day Care
Day-Care caters to the patients who do not require overnight stay in the Hospital. At Asgar Ali Hospital, the Day-Care unit is for routine day cases, patients are treated and sent to home within the same day. The day-care unit is manned by a team of highly skilled and experienced nurse and specialist.
We serve patients undergoing minor procedures in areas such as – Gynaecology, Urology, Orthopaedics, Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT), Pain, Ophthalmology. Other available services like – Blood transfusion, giving Saline, Injection etc.
Day-Care facilitates patients by:
- Giving personalized care by professional team
- Advice from Doctors when necessary
- Well equipped beds with all supportive facilities
Day-Care benefited patients by:
- Reducing waiting time
- Saving money
- Decreasing risk of getting medical infection